199.- Zuria Beltzez 14-04-27

cushhkkoHona hemen gure azkenengo sesio pizgarria. Musika estilo anitzez hornituriko programa dantzagarria aurkezten dizuegu. Honetan ere musikaren sustraietatik hasten dugu ibilbidea, blues eta rockandroll sutsua, psikodelia onirikotik jarraitzeko, tartean hainbat bitxikeri entzungai jarrita, brazil eta jamaikar soinuekin amaitzeko. Eutsi merezi duten ohiturei! Izan ongi! Gaurkoak:

0- Ganimian & his Orientals – Come with me to the casbah 1- The Dellteens – The Bunny Hop 2- John Smith and the New Sound – Don’t back the loser 3- Mable John – Running out 4- The Dagenites – I don’t want to try it again 5- John Wooley & Just Born – You’re lying 6- Baby Charles – My way 7- Bruno Lomas – Haz lo que tengas ganas 8- Maxime – A love I believe in 9- Thievery Corporation – Meu nego 10- Vera Lucia – Quem mandou 11- Marcia Griffiths – My ambition 12- Junior Murvin – Mister Craven 13- Prince Fatty feat. George Dekker – Say what you are saying

Hurrengo podcasta

Adi 2014 04 29

ar. Api 29 , 2014