90seg #72


Uda honetan elektronika dexente entzun dugu, eta agian, uda-azken honetan dugun ezohizko beroak inspiraturik, elektronikaren alor desberdinak batu ditugu gaurko irratsaioan. Disco-tik electropop-eraino. Lockah, SebastiAn, Propaganda, Paul Kalkbrenner, Felix Da Housecat, Snowy Red, Dream Love, Moonbootica, RJ Godin, T.S.O.S., DJ Food, Soulwax, 2 Many DJ’s, Milke, Amon Tobin, The Samps, Surrender!, Etienne de Crecy, Daft Punk, Jazzteppa, Sexy Sushi, Moloko, Acidwolf, Black Moth Super Rainbow, Les Hommes Collophanes.

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Album bat, konfesio bat #33 The Smiths-The Queen is Dead (1986)

og. Urr 24 , 2013

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