146.- Zuria Beltzez 13-01-13 (arraroena normala izatea delako)

Arkeologia musikalaren bidetik, belarriekin bidai espazio-tenporal bat egitea proposatzen duen irratsaio honen dosi berri bat. Ireki belarriak atea zabaldu aurretik! Hauxe duzue gaurko harribitxien zerrenda: 0- Minivip – Miss Augusta. 1- Nappy Brown – Don´t be angry. 2- The Staple Singers – I wish I had answered. 3- Fats Domino – I´m ready. 4- The Standells – Rari. 5- Neil McArthur – She´s not there. 6- Mary Love – Born with a heartache. 7- Blue Beard – Sly Willy. 8- Guy Morris & Band – Hot pants party. 9- La Barra de Chocolate – Proyectos de un ladron prisionero. 10- Tim Maia – Brother, father. mother, sister. 11- Slim Smith – Hip Hug. 12- McKay – Take me over

Hurrengo podcasta


al. Urt 14 , 2013